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"Very thorough and comprehensive! The guidance I received from the senior instructors helps me in my everyday life as a financial analyst at Amazon."

Well Done!

Tristan Chiu

"It was a wise decision to purchase this course. As an analyst, I'm learning a lot and applying what I've learned to my current position."

Worth the Money!

Jamaal Tobias

"This course has given me the opportunity to strengthen my accounting foundations, learn how to build a dynamic 3-statement model, conduct a complex DCF, Comps and Precedent Transactions valuation, and create a stock pitch deck to present to target clients."


Marvel Tanudjaja

Yes, well done. Great job! Bring you step by step accross solving problems you usually find at work. With downloading file can practise at the same time and so easily memorize and get it. Thanks.

Great job!

Marco Franceschini

Course is very well paced and easy to follow

Well paced

Reeta Sooknah

"I took this course before starting my job as an investing banking analyst, not being from a hardcore finance background, this course helped in solidifying my basic concepts as well building real life excel skills that are required for my job."

Amazing, Detailed and Realistic!

Ishaan Mathur

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All Access Annual Subscription

Join our all access subscription program to gain access to all our current and future courses at a discounted price.
5 hours

Outlook for Business & Finance

Learn to effectively manage your work communications with Outlook features such as email, calendar, and a to-do list.
7 hours

Word For Business & Finance

Create professional business reports and business documents in Microsoft Word with industry best practices.
9 hours

PowerPoint for Business & Finance

Build professional PowerPoint pitch decks, presentations, and more using industry best practices.
15 hours

VBA & Macros for Business Automation

Master Excel VBA & Macros to automate repetitive tasks, generate custom functions, and run complex operations.
8 hours

Recruiting for Business & Finance Roles

Learn all the networking, application, and interview essentials to stand out and break into your dream role.
13 hours

Financial Accounting Essentials

Learn the fundamentals of the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, and financial statement analysis.
15 hours

LBO Modeling & Private Equity

Learn the PE industry insights and the LBO modeling skills to drive your private equity or investment banking career.
14 hours

Power BI for Business Analytics

Master Power BI, the leading business intelligence tool to transform, analyze and visualize data.
14 hours

SQL for Business Analytics

Learn this in-demand database management language to extract, transform, and analyze databases with precision.
13 hours

Mergers & Acquisitions Modeling

Learn to make merger models exactly like an investment banker would using real companies to measure the accretion / dilution of a deal.
15 hours

The Complete Finance & Valuation Course

Master the fundamentals of finance, valuation, financial modeling, and more!
14 hours

Excel for Business & Finance

Learn everything you need to know about Microsoft Excel from business and finance industry professionals.